The demand for energy is growing, which can sometimes put stress on the electrical grid. Residential electric customers can help by voluntarily reducing their energy usage on days when demand is forecasted to peak, 称为“Flex事件”.”
您可能已经通过电子邮件收到了Flex事件通知, 文本, or phone asking you to take simple steps to reduce energy usage on certain days during specific hours. 为什么?
在高需求的关键时期, PSE可能会部署短期发电机, which are costlier and more carbon-intensive than standard facilities. 在Flex事件期间采取小的节能措施, 比如关掉大型电器, can collectively make a big impact in smoothing out demand as we shift from less-efficient to cleaner 资源.
By working together, we can reduce spikes in demand and ensure reliable energy for our community.
对Flex事件有问题吗? 请参阅下面的常见问题解答.
想要发挥更积极的作用? You can get rewarded for reducing your energy usage during Flex事件 by joining one of our Flex programs. You’ll get paid just for signing up, plus more the longer you stay enrolled. 另外, you’ll be automatically entered to win one of two $250 gift cards each month (except October and April).
在Flex事件期间, PSE will send you notifications to reduce your energy usage. 省多少电就能赚多少钱.
- 注册费用为25美元
- 在Flex活动期间,每千瓦时可节省1美元
- 每年15美元,你可以继续注册
拥有一个支持Wi-Fi的智能恒温器? 在Flex事件期间, PSE will automatically adjust its temperature set point by a few degrees with no action needed on your part!
- 每台设备的注册费用高达50美元
- 每年至少支付10美元
PSE will remotely signal your home EV charging to happen outside the hours of Flex事件.
- 注册获得50美元
- + $ 0.Flex活动期间每千瓦时节省50美元
作为我们支持社区这一努力的承诺的一部分, PSE customers are automatically set to receive Flex事件通知.
默认情况下, 通知将通过电子邮件发送, 但是用户可以选择接收依赖于手机程序的信号, (见下表)和文本. 如果你注册了智能恒温器或其他智能设备, you'll receive notifications on your device and/or device’s app before and during a Flex event.
Notification emails for Flex事件 will start right after PSE announces a new event. 对于第二天发生的事情,邮件将在早上8点开始发送.m. 将于前一天下午5点前送达.m. 那天的PT.
对于当天的活动,通知邮件从上午8点开始发送.m. 在活动当天的太平洋时间,并在下午12点前全部送达.m. PT. 当天举行的Flex活动将于下午3点开始.m. 或晚.
You can always adjust your notification preferences by following the steps for each program listed below.
程序 | 如何报名 | 客户奖励 | Flex事件是如何通信的 | 如何调整通知首选项 |
默认的Flex事件通知 | PSE客户是自动注册的 | 没有一个 | 电子邮件,短信,电话 | Go to the bottom of your most recent Flex event email notification and click “Manage 首选项” and then unsubscribe. Or follow the opt-out steps given in our 文本 and phone notifications. |
Flex奖励 | 报名链接 Flex奖励登陆页面 |
报名费25美元 Flex活动期间每千瓦时节省1美元 每年15美元,你可以继续注册 Tango礼品卡送货 |
电子邮件,文本 | Receiving notifications is a requirement to stay enrolled and earn incentives. 登录FlexSaver 调整偏好. |
Flex聪明 | 因设备制造商而异. Flex聪明页面上的链接 |
每台设备的注册费用高达50美元 每年至少支付10美元 Tango礼品卡送货 |
温控器设备应用程序或温控器显示 | You cannot disable notifications, but you have the option to decline participating in a Flex event. |
Flex电动车 | 因设备制造商而异. Flex电动车页面上的链接 |
报名费50美元 $0.Flex活动期间每千瓦时节省50美元 Tango礼品卡送货 |
电子邮件,文本 | 登录FlexSaver 或致电1-888-292-0504 |
使用时间与高峰时间回扣 (原理图. 317 or 324) |
主页金银铜 | Credits on monthly bill for voluntarily participating in a peak time rebate event | 电子邮件,文本 | Receiving at least one form of event notification (email and/or SMS) is a requirement to participate in the 使用时间与高峰时间回扣 pilot program. 访问TOU 常见问题解答页面 欲了解更多详情,请发送电子邮件 管理您的通知首选项. |
Our experts can predict periods with heightened demand for electricity based on a range of different criteria, 我们称之为“Flex事件”.例如:, a Flex event might occur on a day with weather hotter or colder than normal, 当我们倾向于使用更多的能源来加热和冷却我们的家. 通过社区的集体行动, we can prevent spikes in energy usage that strain the grid and ensure there is enough energy to go around.
Flex事件只会在早上7点发生.m. 到10点.m., typically lasting between 2-4 hours each, and will never take place on holidays (see list below). 冬季活动从11月11日开始. 1日至3月31日,夏季活动可能发生在5月1日至9月. 30.
- 新年
- 阵亡将士纪念日
- 独立日
- 劳动节
- 感恩节
- 圣诞节
No, reducing energy usage during Flex事件 is 100% voluntary for customers. 没有参与的要求.
No, PSE will not disconnect customers' power in response to increased demand. 然而, it is possible that a power outage might coincide with a Flex event due to circumstances such as inclement weather. Flex聪明项目的客户, PSE is only authorized to auto-adjust their smart thermostat or other smart device during Flex事件, 但参与始终是自愿的.
尽量减少使用电器: Delay using large appliances like your clothes dryer and dishwasher until after the Flex event is over.
升级到智能恒温器: Consider upgrading to a smart thermostat to conveniently control your home temperature during Flex事件. 配有智能恒温器, you can stay comfortable without the hassle of remembering to adjust your thermostat. 想要获得智能恒温器的即时折扣,请访问
使用智能照明: Upgrade to smart lightbulbs and you’ll be able to turn off your lights using a mobile device. Saving energy is easy when you can remotely turn off lights from anywhere—even when you’re not home! 点击这里获取更多节能小贴士.
We calculate your energy savings for each Flex event using a baseline. This baseline is created by averaging the energy consumption of the four highest-usage days among the five weekdays before the event. We also consider energy usage in the two hours before the event and the hour after the event, and make adjustments based on higher or lower usage during that time (e.g., 3-4 p.m. 7-8 p.m. 5-7分.m. 事件).
默认情况下, we’ll send you notifications after events showing how much energy you saved in comparison to your neighbors. If you're enrolled in Flex奖励, you can access your results in the FlexSaver门户.
How does PSE choose which neighbors to compare my Flex event energy savings with?
Our goal is to provide customers with a comparison that is valid and meaningful. We do this by looking at other occupied households in your area with similar characteristics, 比如家的大小和家的类型, 因为它们有相似的能量需求. Most importantly, we only include homes that appear to be occupied at the time of the comparison.
是的! If you sign up for Flex聪明 or Flex奖励, you’ll earn money for participating in Flex事件. 看看哪个项目适合你.